Monday, March 17, 2025

The Earth is the Lord's

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
    the world, and all who live in it;
for he founded it on the seas
    and established it on the waters.  Psalm 24:1-2 NIV

God is moving throughout the earth.  Gather25 was an unprecedented, and free, 25-hour global broadcast event telling the story and mission of the global Church, by the global Church. This was an opportunity for the 2.5 billion believers across the world to gather in prayer, worship, repentance, and commissioning, There was great rejoicing as we heard incredible stories of what God is doing around the world. 

Session 3 was broadcast from New Delhi, India.  This minute and a half intro video provides a wonderful look into India with a concise explanation how the Christian experience varies greatly throughout this great nation.  As you watch this video, may your heart be stirred, encouraged and motivated to pray. You'll want to watch more - click for the entire broadcast from India. 

It is a great joy for Gary and I to be living in India.  Wow – just typing that makes me tear up.    It’s been our lifelong desire to spend more time overseas than in America. Now that it is our reality, we are continually amazed and grateful. 

Since we are foreigners, which can draw unwanted attention, our main role is to encourage and strengthen the local Body of Christ so that they can share the love of Jesus with their family, friends and neighbors.  

Sharing the Word of God with hungry hearts, seeing them respond and begin to apply God’s truth to their lives is rewarding.

We are so grateful that you are part of our Journey with God, which is only possible because of  your faithful prayers, love and support.   
This Amazing Journey Continues ~ Pat and Gary

Join us in India as you listen to one or more of our recent teachings.  Shared in English and translated into Hindi.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

I Left My Heart In Sri Lanka

We’ve travelled to Sri Lanka often enough that it’s familiar and comfortable. Two short flights from our base in India, it’s on the same time zone, so no jet lag this trip. (If you have experienced jet-lag, you understand that this is a wonderful thing)  Peeling off layers of clothes as the heat and humidity embraces us, we are welcomed by our friends and hosts Layasing and Deepthi.  

The Peacock is Sri Lanka's National Bird

During our three-week stay in Sri Lanka, we found ourselves encouraging several people with God's promise that this would be a year where the 'fruit was sweet'.  That God is bringing his people into a season of mature, sweet tasting fruit, not immature and sour fruit.

Why is this encouraging?  Because as you work for Jesus in a country where only 7.4% of the people believe in Jesus - it can be discouraging. It's natural to want to see results 'now', but fruit that is sweet takes time to mature.  God’s promise is that we will reap the harvest – if we don’t become weary and give up. (Galatians 6:9)

Eye Clinics are an effective tool to share the love of Jesus while meeting a practical need.  We travelled to four different villages, performed basic eye exams for 321 people, gave free eyeglasses as needed, and prayed for everyone.  These are people who work hard for a living, many barely making enough to feed their family. Eyeglasses are totally unaffordable – but desperately needed:  to read, to pluck tea leaves, to clean the rice and lentils that are the mainstay of their daily diet.  The message that Jesus loves them softens hearts to receive the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.  

Sharing a word of encouragement with believers in the village of Panama was a humbling experience.  They are continually persecuted for their faith.  The Buddhist monk who controls the village has declared that ‘there will never be a church here.’  Yet they continue strong in their faith, meeting in home groups. During the Sunday service in Siyambalanduwa, Gary shared a powerful word on ‘Another Touch’.  After service we were honored to set the ceremonial cornerstone for a ten-foot expansion to the church a hall - a simple concrete structure that is filled to overflowing!  What a wonderful problem to have. 

Weekdays found us embracing our inner child and acting out Bible stories for the students at Adara Sevana – a school for the differently abled.  Their smiles and hugs convey their joy, even though they are unable to verbally communicate with us.  After morning chapel we spent time just being with them: sorting and stringing beads to help with hand-eye coordination and basic cognitive function or working on our laptops while they did their letters and numbers.

You are an important part of reaching hearts for Jesus through your faithful prayers, giving and ongoing encouragement. that enables us to share His love wherever He sends us. Thank you!  

Little pieces of our hearts are left in every nation we visit - Sri Lanka continues to call us back.  

May your heart be drawn deeper into the heart of God.  May His plans and purposes for your life be your priority every day.

The Journey Continues ~ Gary and Pat

Monday, December 30, 2024

What Do You See?

Think about a time when you couldn’t see.  Maybe you woke up in a strange room, it was dark outside, there were no lights on, so when you opened your eyes, you still couldn’t see.  Or maybe like me you wear glasses or contacts, and without them you simply can’t see much at all.

Jesus talks about sight a lot; about ‘seeing’ in the natural and the spiritual.  It’s one of the most important senses we have, and we use it every day without even thinking about it.

As we begin this new year let’s think about what we see.  What’s around us now, what is behind us and what is ahead of us.  We can’t change what is behind – but we absolutely can change what is ahead of us.  I want to challenge you to see what God sees – and if you don’t think you can do that – ask Him to show you why not. What is blocking your vision?

When we conduct eye camps (clinics) in tea garden villages, most of the people have never been to an eye doctor, they simply can’t afford it.  So as Gary puts different strength lenses in front of their eyes and asks them which is better, they often say,  ‘ok’.  That’s not an answer to the question - but they honestly aren’t used to having a choice.   It takes some explaining by the translator to get them to understand that there is a difference, and they get to choose.  

Then, there is no greater joy than seeing the huge smile that lights up a their face when the correct strength of glasses are placed in front of their eyes, and they can actually see to read, or thread a needle, or pick tea leaves, or look around and things are clear in the distance.  

That’s how it is with our spiritual sight – we often get so used to where we are and what we are doing – should I dare say we get in a rut?  A comfortable rut maybe, but is it really the best that God has for you?  Or are you just accepting it?  You hear someone say, ‘It’s a new year. New things from God. ' And you’re like, ‘okay – sure – whatever'. That's not the right answer.

The right answer is to cry out with all of our hearts, ‘Lord let me see what you see for my future, for my life starting today and every day.’   I challenge you – don’t settle.  Don’t miss out on what God Almighty has for you.

However, as it is written:   “What no eye has seen,  what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” - the things God has prepared for those who love him - these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. I Corinthians 2:9-10 NIV

Eye vision clinics are a powerful way to show the love of Jesus in a practical way – it opens hearts and minds to receive the truth that Jesus loves them.   The village church schedules church services on the workers' day off (Tuesday or Wednesday depending on the tea garden’s schedule).  After each service, we did eye exams for 40 – 60 people, and gave eyeglasses to the ones who needed them.   All were prayed for.  

Click to watch this short slide show that helps to capture the experience of a village church service and eye clinic.  

It’s an amazing experience. We’re incredibly blessed to be the hands and feet of Jesus. You have a part in each life that is touched – because you give financially, you pray, you encourage and support us as we go.

Christmas in India is all about sharing the story of why Jesus came.  Watch this short video to share the joyful Christmas Celebration in a Tea Garden Village.

Our prayer for you, for today and for 2025:  “ I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,  and his incomparably great power for us who believe.”   Ephesians 1:17-18   

To know Him better – this amazing God we serve. To really see the greatness of His power at work in your life.   Take time to read the entire first chapter of Ephesians – read it out loud, let it penetrate your heart and mind and blow away the cobwebs of complacency.

In the middle of every challenge life throws your way: May your eyes be open to see Him who is above all, who loves you with an unfathomable, endless love, and Who is with you through the fire, through the water, through the storm. (Isaiah 43:2) You are never alone.

This Amazing Journey With God Continues ~ Pat and Gary

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Joy To The World

There was much rejoicing this week as Gary and I taught the second week of a 4-week discipleship course. The overall topic for the week was “Transformation”. 

Joy was the overwhelming emotion as we saw Holy Spirit meet people at every level. 

In class:  Holy Spirit infilling with evidence of speaking in tongues, deeper revelation of spiritual gifts and fruit of the Spirit, and the power of Holy Spirit that is available to each of us. Challenging reminders that in this life we will have persecution - but Jesus overcame the world, and so can we. 

During an evening meeting at a local church, we prayed for everyone there, and many miracle testimonies were shared.  Including one woman who hadn’t walked normally for 20 years. After prayer she grabbed Gary’s hand and began walking back and forth in the room. Pain had left her body. Thank you Jesus! 

The church gathers in a courtyard with concrete walls and floor, and tent-like fabric panels for a ceiling.    Everyone was bundled up in jackets and scarves, sitting on thin mats covering the cold concrete floor, listening attentively as the word was shared in English and translated into Punjabi.

India is #11 on Open Doors World Watch List, which monitors countries whose government or primary religion is strongly opposed to Christianity.  For everyone’s protection, we are careful not to share specific details of our location or to share our travels on social media.

Our prayer for you this Christmas is that you will receive a new, deeper understanding of Immanuel; God with Us. God with You. 

You will be abundantly enriched in every way as you give generously on every occasion,  for when we take your gifts to those in need,  it causes many to give thanks to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11 TPT

Merry Christmas
With All Our Love
Gary and Pat

Delicious home-cooked food

Friday, November 1, 2024

God Satisfies Hungry Hearts

The hill city of Darjeeling, West Bengal, India sits at 6,709 feet with spectacular views of the Himalaya mountains, presided over by Kangchenjunga, the third highest mountain in the world.

For three days in October, I was one of two speakers at Full Gospel Praise and Worship‘s Annual Conference.  Their network includes churches in five neighboring hill cities, and all participated in this conference. The church was packed. 

Since I have ministered at Full Gospel for many years and know the pastors well, it was like being with family.

It was arguably one of the best conferences I have been a part of or attended.  The theme was “Intimacy with Jesus.” Every service was filled with an atmosphere of hunger and expectancy.  Every service was marked by the Presence of the Lord – you could truly feel that God was in the room.  People rejoiced and danced! Each message touched the hearts of the people and the response to God's Word was immediate.  There were healings, deliverances, salvations and people recommitting their lives to the Lord and desiring a new and deeper walk with Jesus.  

Many testified with tears of what they experienced and declared that their lives would never be the same.

Messages are translated from English to Nepali
- the most common language in the Darjeeling area

In just a couple weeks, November 13-17, I will be in the city of Hyderabad, Telangana, South India speaking at Penuel Gospel Church’s 30th Anniversary.  I am expecting the same anointing and presence of the Lord to be there.  His desire is that lives are changed for eternity.  Thank you so very much for all your prayers, they are impactful!

Is your heart hungry for more of God? Do you also desire closer fellowship with your Savior?  Then go for it - spend time in worship, read the Word of God, talk to Jesus. He will satisfy your hungry heart.

The Journey Continues ~ Gary

Enjoy a few moments of worship - Nepali style

Friday, October 11, 2024

Overwhelming Gratitude

October is not normally thought of as a month of new beginnings – but for Gary and I, it’s the start of another adventure as we are back in our India home for the next eight months.  Our flights from Las Vegas were smooth and uneventful.  Four flights over 30+ hours, 12 time zones and the international date line – all make for a long journey.  We left hot, dry weather and landed in hot, humid, rainy weather.  

The monsoon season (also called rainy or wet season) is usually June through September but is lingering this year.  It’s hard to understand how continual rains impact daily life until you see standing water in all low-lying areas,  and realize the water simply has no place to go.  We’re grateful the rains have been coming at night and the days are relatively bright. 


Empty lot next-door - monsoon (rainy season)

Same lot - dry season

Hindus are celebrating one of their most important annual festivals called Durga Puja. Schools are closed, shop hours are varied, and many people take time off work to participate in this 10-day celebration.  A local school yard has been converted into a temporary temple, loudspeakers on the street blast prayers and worship chants as worshippers in their holiday finery arrive for the festival.  It's a reminder that less than five percent of this vast nation are followers of Jesus. 

There is a sense of overwhelming gratitude in our hearts.  Living overseas has been a long-standing desire and to finally see the reality is amazing.  

There is also an increased awareness of the power of prayer, and the value of the prayers of God’s people.

In September, after dinner at a friend’s house, she prayed for our trip, specifically for safety as we travelled.  I had a deep revelation of the power of the prayers of God’s people.  I will never take for granted the countless people who say ‘I or we are praying for you.” 

It struck me that it was the prayers of God’s people, and the faithfulness of Almighty God that literally stopped the destructive plans of the enemy and spared Gary and I from serious harm this past summer.  

At the end of an enjoyable day in Kalispell, Montana, we were heading back to the car when I tripped on a raised piece of sidewalk. One moment I was walking full speed ahead - then I wasn't.

Gary saw it happen in slow motion - but couldn't catch me. He breathed a prayer, 'Don't let her break anything'.  He saw my sunglasses fly backwards, my head turn to the side, and I landed with my arm across my chest - not on my palms.  Wow! 

I just remember sort of 'coming to' and feeling a wave of pain. I was bruised, sore, and had a sprained toe - which still aches if I walk too much. But WOW it could have been really serious. 

That same day we were crossing two lanes of traffic, and as we crossed the first lane, a van in the second lane blew through the crosswalk without stopping or even slowing down. If Gary hadn't stopped walking at the edge of the first lane, he would have been hit!

So yes - we believe in miracles and God's protection and are incredibly grateful for the covering prayers of God’s people.  Every prayer, every expression of love, every gift of support is cherished.  Our awareness of the eternal, spiritual is heightened.

May you personally experience the power of God in your life, your family, wherever you need a miracle.

The Journey Continues ~ Pat

Follow this link to make a donation online

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Our Summer Adventure

As we left Montana, driving south on US 93, the Big Hole Valley opened up before us in a vast expanse, intersected by a seemingly  endless highway.  

That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” I Corinthians 2:9 NLT

A fitting view as our time in Montana drew to a close.  The past four weeks have been filled with God's love and presence as we reconnected with family and friends, enjoyed the beauty of Montana, experienced God's bountiful provision and supernatural protection.

What a joy to share with our partner churches, bringing the message of God's great love for each of us.  A love that we must embrace and really, truly believe before we can share that message with hurting hearts around us. Your mission field is wherever your feet walk. The people in Your circle of influence need His love.

Our trip back to Las Vegas took us through Arizona where God truly showed up as we shared at Living Water Church and enjoyed sweet fellowship with friends.  Another drive will take us to visit friends in Durango Colorado, before we reach Las Vegas to repack and prepare to travel back to India.  

Airline tickets are booked leaving on October 5th - arriving October 7th.  India is home - our cozy flat (apartment) awaits us.  

Two days after we land, Gary heads to our favorite hill city, Darjeeling, West Bengal, to speak at a church conference.

What a great adventure. What an amazing God we serve. 

Our life verse sums it up:  Ephesians 3:20-21 AMPC  Now to Him Who, by the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams] To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen (so be it).

May your heart embrace God's incredible love for you - and allow Him to lead you into His 'super-abundantly' for your life.  

The Journey Continues - Gary and Pat